Saturday 22 November 2008


unidentified drinking injury

Friday 21 November 2008

My favourite Poem

Auntie did you feel no pain
Falling from that willow tree?
Could you do it, please again
‘Cos my friend here didn’t see

harry graham

Thursday 20 November 2008

Goodbye my Bump

Sadly little bump didn't survive.

The Algerian and I spent 6 hours at hospital, in the acute gynaecological clinic. After a few days of pain I had guessed it would not be a positive outcome. His response the previous night to my baby news was joy. His response to my miscarriage was that I clearly had not wanted the baby enough and god had heard.

On the morning of the hospital appointment, I awoke dreading a life imagined with the man from Algeria and our bump. My wonderful ideas of raising a child had slowly turned into a life trapped in a loveless relationship. Maybe god had heard me and misinterpreted.

The man from Algeria wants to try for another baby immediately. I want to run 500 miles in the opposite direction. I think this was a wake up call - don't be naive about the repercussions of sex with an ex. Choose your life carefully. Although as Lennon (and Annabel) said - life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans.

The only solution is to go out and get totally wankered ("alcohol -the solution and cause of all life's problems" homer). I now have to ring around everyone and disperse the sad news. This is why people wait for the 12 week scan!

I hope you are safe in heaven little bump.

Tuesday 18 November 2008


Following 8 pregnancy tests last Sunday, I'm pregnant. I'm still quite dubious though and have to resist urge to bulk buy more tests.
I had unprotected sex with my algerian idiot, clearly a mistake, and took the morning after pill 72 hours later. 55% effective. Stupid pill, stupid girl.
The doctor calculates I am 5 weeks and 2 days pregnant.
I am now an expert at googling pregnancy.
Spent long weekend in Wales discussing options with parents, who have been extremely supportive. Albeit being 29 not 15, I was still nervous. Dad drank a lot of wine, mum ate a lot of chocolate... and we all discussed the ins and outs of how I conduct myself carnally. And of course if I would consider marriage to the father. Er no.
I was excitedly encouraged to ring round all the relatives, even at this early stage - Mum said, they can congratulate and commiserate later if you have a miscarriage...super... 'Hi Grandma, I have some news... 5 weeks pregnant... yes a surprise .... yes my french boyfriend (a slight stretch of the truth but a thumbs up from dad)... new life...".
I felt like I was ringing round dispersing bad news.
Most sounded shocked, some fained joy.
Conclusions following our weekend of discussion -
parents: get job, save money, have baby, move back to wales
me: try to get job, continue on dole, stick head in sand, stay in london

I am secretly very happy!

Have yet to tell the man from Algeria (he no longer fits 'le garçon')