Tuesday 18 November 2008


Following 8 pregnancy tests last Sunday, I'm pregnant. I'm still quite dubious though and have to resist urge to bulk buy more tests.
I had unprotected sex with my algerian idiot, clearly a mistake, and took the morning after pill 72 hours later. 55% effective. Stupid pill, stupid girl.
The doctor calculates I am 5 weeks and 2 days pregnant.
I am now an expert at googling pregnancy.
Spent long weekend in Wales discussing options with parents, who have been extremely supportive. Albeit being 29 not 15, I was still nervous. Dad drank a lot of wine, mum ate a lot of chocolate... and we all discussed the ins and outs of how I conduct myself carnally. And of course if I would consider marriage to the father. Er no.
I was excitedly encouraged to ring round all the relatives, even at this early stage - Mum said, they can congratulate and commiserate later if you have a miscarriage...super... 'Hi Grandma, I have some news... 5 weeks pregnant... yes a surprise .... yes my french boyfriend (a slight stretch of the truth but a thumbs up from dad)... new life...".
I felt like I was ringing round dispersing bad news.
Most sounded shocked, some fained joy.
Conclusions following our weekend of discussion -
parents: get job, save money, have baby, move back to wales
me: try to get job, continue on dole, stick head in sand, stay in london

I am secretly very happy!

Have yet to tell the man from Algeria (he no longer fits 'le garçon')

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